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🌱 Seasons of Push

Do you need a push or pull right now? In the fitness game there are seasons. Sometimes you need to push yourself, and sometimes you need to pull back. Today’s about pushing yourself, but let’s approach it differently from just “trying harder.” When you need to push yourself

🌱 Seasons of Push
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Missed a workout?

Miss a workout? (or two?) No worries! Life happens, things pop up, or we just need to move things around. What I recommend doing when you miss a workout: Step 1: Own it, guilt-free It’s a missed session, it’s no big deal. Own the fact that you missed

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🌱 Fitness isn't just about shrinking

Fitness is often thought of as a way to lose or gain weight. While there's nothing wrong with that, fitness is often seen as just that- a method of growing or shrinking, based on your goal. Don't get me wrong. Maintaining a healthy body fat percentage

🌱 Fitness isn't just about shrinking
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🌱 How to be consistent when it's tough

Getting to your fitness goals starts with consistency. That means just showing up to your workouts. Nothing special. The session don't need to be perfect, they just need to be done. Knowing this, you plan your training week perfectly, 3-4 sessions ready on the calendar. But then, real

🌱 How to be consistent when it's tough
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🌱 Self Love vs Growth

Self love versus growth. On the surface, these ideas seem like they would conflict. Should you accept who you are now? Or should you strive to be a better version of yourself? Is it possible to do both? Let's start by defining self-love. Self Love Self love is

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🌱 Habits That Bleed Through

My friend Jacob asked me if you can apply working out principles to other things. I loved that question because it's something I think about often. Fitness bleeds into other parts of life. Fitness is thought of as a "keystone habit." In his book "The

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🌱 What To Do After A Missed Workout

Congratulations, you've experienced what every athlete & coach has done! To me, your first missed workout is a milestone. It shows that you've been on the journey long enough to experience resistance. It's resistance from life that pushes you away from your goals. If

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🌱 How I Started Fitness

Weekly Newsletter (#12) 6/28/21 I had my 2nd dose of the Moderna Vaccine this weekend and it hit me like an 18-wheeler. 🚛 I had fevers, headaches, and I was freezing the entire time. But made me extremely grateful that we even have access to a Covid vaccine. I

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🌱 How To Lose Weight For Good This Time

🌱Growth Thoughts: If goals are destinations, habits are the pathways. Having a goal is the start of change. “I want to lose 30lbs.” Once you establish a goal, the next step is to change your habits. What we do daily determines how our future looks like. If you want to