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🌱 Start with less

Milton Holdiem
Milton Holdiem
— 1 min read
🌱 Start with less

A Little Goes a Long Way

When starting fitness, a little goes a long way. Do less than you think, and you’ll be rewarded by the gift of showing up the next day.

It’s not about what you can do. It’s about what you can recover from. Whether you’re starting for the first time, or you’re restarting after a hiatus, I would keep everything feeling no more than a 6 out of 10 in intensity. Do something that feels almost too easy.

You could lift less than you probably could. If you’re lifting 100lbs for squats, do 50-60lbs.

You could train for less time. If your workouts usually take 60 minutes, get in and out of the gym in 30-40 minutes.

By doing this, you allow your body to slowly adjust. You could probably show up the next day and repeat the process. Leave your session feeling like you could do more.

Keep this up and by week 2, you’ll find that a 6 out of 10 becomes a little more than week 1. Try one more week, and congratulations, by starting with less, you eliminated friction into becoming a person who works out consistently.

Milton Holdiem Twitter

Focused on coaching busy professionals. Caught the running bug in 2024. A daily cold brew drinker, and music lover.
